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First feedbacks on our mystery boxes!

As you maybe know, recently, we started with new feature on our shop – themed lootboxes!

And because first ones arrived already, we’d like to share with you all feedbacks, we got for them so far. Maybe it will help you decide, whether you want to try them or not. And we guess, that you will, because we are selecting all stuff with love and care! πŸ™‚

And as you can see, Samantha didn’t recognise our handmade vegan glitter soap, which was included in her medium sized kitten box. But don’t worry, we sent her message right after, telling her, what it is and she was very happy with it. Next time, we will definitelly write little card to the soap giftbox, describing this glittery miracle πŸ˜€

Right now, we have five different boxes in our shop.

We can make each in boy/girl variation. Or any other gender, of course. There is a column, where you can write anything, so nobody is left out of surprise fun πŸ™‚

Customers review of medium box πŸ™‚

We also send everything very dicreetly. The box itself is just a plain cardboard box and all stuff is hidden inside, just for you.

So which one is your favourite? 

Are you ready to be surprised, or surprise your loved one?

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